pddollar (PDDOLLAR)

$$$ %%%
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24hr. volume


Stability system in the protocol deterministically expands and contracts the PDD supply to maintain PDD's peg to 1 MATIC token. So in short the ideal balance is the target of 1 PDD to be peged to 1 MATIC. PolyDogeDAO is designed by the PolyDoge team as the algorithmic stablecoin which specifically uses an �algorithmic central protocol� approach to manage the supply of PolyDogeDollar tokens according to a predetermined logic. The algorithm is in charge of balancing PolyDogeDollar supply to a fluctuating demand, ensuring that the token price remains relatively stable.

Where to Trade pddollar (PDDOLLAR)

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Top Pairs for PDDOLLAR - Polygon DEXs

Pool APR$USD Reserve
